Already and Always Okay

This is from a check-in email I wrote this morning to some coaching colleagues. It feels almost too personal to share, so in the spirit of living on the edge…

I’ve been feeling well over the past few months, circumstances notwithstanding. Over the past few years I’ve had some paradigm shifting insights into how humans work and it has made such a difference in my everyday experience.

There have been so many things happening over the past few months that I can’t even remember half of them – husband still healing from the massive leg break and surgeries; both kids had reactions to antibiotics at separate times, daughter’s was severe and involved swollen joints and not being able to walk for almost two weeks; over the span of 6 weeks I was at the doctor with one or both kids for various ear infections and stomach viruses; dad had a stroke, he’s okay now but that really shook my world for a few weeks; there are some lumps in my armpits that I’m having to wait four weeks to get checked out – it’s probably nothing, but the waiting for confirmation isn’t my favorite.

Throughout all of this, and the past two+ years which have pretty much looked exactly like what I just described, I’ve also been trying to grow my coaching practice. There have been a lot of planes on the runway but all have been grounded due to illness or crisis of some kind. I still really want to build my coaching practice, dammit! I’ve made small steps, though they were big ones emotionally – beginning to write publicly in a blog (super excruciating to put myself out there like that at first), revamped my website to integrate my coaching and consulting work (I kept those identities separate for many years), gearing up to ask previous consulting clients for referrals and possibly make coaching offers (even though it feels uncomfortable to make requests).

And throughout all of this, I know in my bones and in every cell in my body that I am okay. I am grateful for every moment I have with my beautiful children, with my incredibly loving (and occasionally lovingly annoying) husband, and with myself. Even with myself. Never thought that would happen, yet here I am. In a lot of ways I feel like my life is only just beginning. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow (Hurricanes? Medical emergencies? Just another day in the neighborhood?) but I know that I will be okay, that I am already and always okay, and that is pretty amazing.

I sure seem to have woken up on the right side of bed today. I’ll just go with it and let it be 🙂

All my love,