The Most Effective Lifehack

There’s one thing you could start doing today that will transform your life. It’s so simple, yet many of us rarely do it.

Every day, do something that brings you joy.

Every day, do something fun, relaxing, peaceful, exciting, intense, loving, interesting, kind – whatever works for you. The only requirement is that you really enjoy it.

To begin, you might start a never-ending list of Things I Love to Do. Add some easy 5-minute things and some huge things too. Then, do one of the things every single day.

Amazing things will happen.
Your mood will lift and open.
You’ll feel more joy.
You’ll spread more joy.
You’ll feel more satisfied.
You’ll be more plugged into your inner wisdom.
You’ll solve problems with greater creativity and ease.
Life will feel easier.
You’ll feel more fulfilled.

Don’t have time?
Start with five minutes, or one minute if five seems undoable.

Don’t have any idea what to do?
When I started doing this a few years ago, I actually googled “What is fun?” because I couldn’t remember. I was so disconnected from joy and fun that the only way I knew to start was with research. My list was blank for a while. Slowly it grew.

Don’t think it will work?
Try it every day for two weeks. Every day for two weeks, do something that genuinely feels joyful in that moment. I can tell you right now what will happen: you’ll feel more joy.

♥ Anna