Feeling Trains of Thought

Imagine a really busy train terminal, with hundreds of trains leaving every minute on hundreds of tracks. You want to go somewhere but none of the trains turn out to have clear destinations. You hop on one, hoping it will take you where you want to go. You transfer to another train, and another, and another.

Our thoughts work like trains. We follow one train of thought, then another, and another, maybe staying with one for while, then hopping to another and another one again.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to distinguish where the train of thought is headed.

If we’re feeling a low mood, the train of thought is not optimal. If we’re feeling a high mood, the train of thought is healthy and headed directly to connection with our inner wisdom.

Our feelings are a perfect barometer for the quality of our thinking, so they’re all beneficial. There are no bad feelings. And they pass as quickly as the thoughts that created them.

The human brain is an infinitely busy thought train terminal, so there will always be a new train to ride, a new thought to feel, and a new experience we can create.