Salad and Cigarettes

Would you rather experience life with an overall feeling of ease and well-being? Or would you prefer a lifelong experience of toil and gritted teeth?

Imagine someone who is really great at maintaining his health. He goes to the gym six days per week, eats clean, listens to his doctor, gets stuff done at work. He hates the gym, he hates salads, he hates how much time and energy it all takes every single day, but he wants to live a long life. He barely sees his family between work and the gym, but he’s glad to be setting a good example for his kids.

Imagine another guy who doesn’t go to the gym, only eats food he likes, and smokes a few cigarettes a day. He loves his life, loves his wife, and loves the way his mind seems to clear when he’s on a smoke break.

Statistically, salad guy will likely outlive the smoker. Salad guy goes through life with his teeth clenched, doing everything a person should do to prolong his life. The smoker is happy, takes it easy, enjoys the people in his life and his experience of life in general.

Would you rather live a long life that you don’t enjoy? Or live a life you love?

What can you love about your life right now, whether you’re eating a salad or smoking cigarettes?