Your Mind is Like a Snow Globe

All wisdom comes from the silence, when the mind clears.

– Jack Pransky

Many of us tend to believe that we have to think a lot, really really hard, in order to be smart and effective and successful.

In reality a mind that is loud, busy, nonstop, intensely and incessantly active makes it much more difficult to access intelligence and wisdom. Thinking really really really hard, and then doing it some more without relief, also brings anxiety, exhaustion, and drains our life of joy.

When you need to remember something, make a decision, or figure something out, especially if it’s important – instead try letting your thoughts settle and drift away. Feel the silence in between the thoughts, the silence beneath and surrounding them.

It can be almost a compulsion to go back to thinking some more and harder about whatever it is that’s on your mind. Try the opposite. Let it go, even just for half an hour or an hour.

Imagine your mind is like a snow globe that you’ve been shaking and shaking, and there’s so much snow everywhere that it’s a whiteout and you can’t see anything clearly. Let the snow fall and settle. It’s in that silence that you will find yourself surrounded by clarity, and you’ll know what to do.

♥ Anna

No Limits: Jon Morrow

The way we experience reality comes from the inside out. Circumstances, events, and people outside of us don’t determine our experience – what we think about those things determines how we experience life. This is the story of someone with no limits, even when life seems to be undeniably full of them.

At some point or another, life punches everyone in the face.

The punch may be hard, or it may be soft, but it’s definitely coming, and your success or failure is largely determined by the answer to a single question: how well can you take the punch?

Jon Morrow

Jon Morrow is one of the world’s most successful bloggers. He can work from anywhere in the world, travels whenever he wants, sets his own hours. His businesses bring in seven figures a year and he’s sold some of his blogs for millions of dollars.

Jon was born with the privilege of being male and having light skin.

He was also born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, so he’s almost completely paralyzed. The only part of his body he can move is his face, but he can still feel pain throughout.

Other people with Jon’s condition live in nursing homes and (in his words) are set in front of a television to watch Jerry Springer all day. They don’t socialize, they don’t work, they don’t own businesses, they don’t travel, they don’t live in resorts, they don’t enjoy a full and amazing life.

Since he was born, Jon’s annual medical bills have exceeded $120,000. His parents were not wealthy. He went on Medicare as an adult, but if he earned more than $700 per month he would lose all coverage. He wanted to work, so he worked for a couple years for free.

Eventually he realized he could drastically decrease his medical bills if he lived in Mexico, so he moved there and started a blog. With the income from his businesses Jon was able to pay his own medical bills and live in a beautiful resort in Mexico.

Jon wasn’t supposed to live for more than a few years, but he managed to create a good life for himself against some relatively extreme odds.

Then one day, he was in a car accident that crushed his vertebrae, shattered his legs, and took a year to recover from. This is in addition to already having had pneumonia sixteen times, recovering from more than fifty broken bones, and almost drowning in his own mucus.

How easy would it have been to sink into despair? Or rage against the unfairness? Or maybe even take a little bit too much morphine one day and end it all? But I didn’t. Mostly, I was able to handle it because I’d been conditioned by all the other difficulties of my life, but it was also because I deliberately shifted my perspective.

The people who struggle most are the ones who can’t accept the incessant unfairness of life. They become so consumed with what should have happened, the way other people should have behaved that they become incapable of dealing with reality.

If I allowed myself to be angry at Bill [who caused the accident] for even one moment, I may have sunk into a pit of rage and despair so deep I would’ve never climbed out of it. Instead, I forced myself to say, “Okay, this is my life now. What’s next?” After all, I couldn’t change what happened. The only thing I had control over was how I responded to that change, and the first and most critical response was total and complete acceptance.

Jon Morrow

Jon knows that his experience of life is determined by his thoughts and his perspective, not by his circumstances. When he didn’t like the game, he changed the rules. Maybe he was born with the privilege of knowing this is possible – fortunately, this privilege is available to all of us, already and always. Every one of us has the freedom and ability to choose which thoughts we listen to. We all have the freedom to choose our perspective.

You can be one of those people. I know you can, and so I came here to tell you…

Today, you might feel too poor or sick or unlucky to reach for your dreams, but you’re not.

Today, you might feel too tired or depressed or sad to even try, but you’re not.

Today, you might feel like an outcast, forgotten by your friends or family or anyone who might help you, but again, you are not.

You’re still breathing, my friend. That’s all it takes to stage a comeback.

So, say it with me now, would you?

“I will never, ever give up.”

Say it. Believe it.

And then recognize you’ve begun the journey to becoming totally unstoppable.

– John Morrow 7 Life Lessons from a Guy Who Can’t Move Anything But His Face

♥ Anna

A Danish Perspective on Happiness

In the book Happy as a Dane, Malene Rydahl shares some of the reasons the Danish consistently rank as the happiest people in the world.

There are, of course, signifiant institutional differences between Denmark and America. But the Danish “secrets of happiness” are, at their core, nothing more than perspectives – beliefs and thoughts – that happen to be shared by the overall culture. This is good news, because it means that we don’t have to wait for outside circumstances to change in order to feel happier and more content.

These are some key Danish beliefs that engender happiness:

  • I have trust in people.
  • I think for myself.
  • I am self-sufficient.
  • I am free to be who I want to be and choose the life I want to lead.
  • I don’t use stereotypes to define gender.
  • I am satisfied with simple things.
  • I take life as it comes.
  • I’m happier when everyone is happy.
  • I enjoy everyday life, especially when shared with others.
  • Work fits around my life, not the other way around.
  • I don’t want more money than I need to get by.
  • I don’t need to be the best.

There are people who would counter any one of these beliefs with the argument that “It’s easy for people who have an easy life to think that way.”

And yet, every single one of these beliefs has been wholeheartedly adopted by people who have absolutely no apparent reason to do so. 

No matter who you are, where you came from, where you live, what your circumstances are or have been, you can think these thoughts that create happiness.

♥ Anna

About Six Inches

Image by Anna W

There are about six inches in between you and what you truly want.

What is it that you long for? What do you truly want? If what comes to mind is things or people or circumstances, what’s beneath those? What do you think they will bring you? How would they help you feel?

Is it circumstances that are in the way? Or is it what you’re thinking?

Which one is easier to change?

A New Thought Appeared

Last night I got about three hours of sleep. My sweet nine-month-old boy finally started sleeping well about a month ago. His sister slept through the night by three months, but at this point we’re thrilled when the boy sleeps until 5am.

For the past few nights, though, he’s been waking up screaming at around 10pm. Last night it continued for several hours. I finally fell asleep at three in the morning. Two hours later I woke up to baby’s insistent cries for mama.

I dragged myself out of bed with sandpaper eyeballs that seemed to have been propped open like A Clockwork Orange.

As soon as I stood up, an angry groaning thought whacked my weary mind: “GOD I am so exhausted, and now I have to feed this baby.”

As I walked to the baby’s room, a new thought appeared: “I am so exhausted, and yet I get to feed this baby. Every morning I get to feed this sweet, adorable little chunker whose mama I am so lucky to be.”

Nothing actually changed out there in the world.

My circumstances were still the same – it was 5am, I was sleep deprived, and facing another long day of trying to be an awake and present parent to a four-year-old and nine-month-old while keeping the house halfway hospitable, making sure everyone eats something resembling food, and trying to grow my business.

Something major changed inside of me, though.

With a simple new thought, my experience transformed. Instead of feeling angry and resentful, I was full of gratitude and love for this little boy who I get to feed every morning at 5am.