Don’t Pick at Your Thoughts

The quality of our thoughts creates the quality of our mood, and the quality of our mood amplifies the quality of our thoughts.

In a high mood, we see the infinite possibility and beautify in life. We are open, inspired, magnanimous, joyful, optimistic, flexible, resilient, effective, creative problem solvers. In a high mood, we focus on high quality thoughts, which engender a high mood, which brings even more high quality thoughts.

A low mood brings a sense of impossibility and helplessness. We are closed, stuck, fearful, irritable, accusatory, offended, angry, insecure, anxious, fragile, struggling. In a low mood, we hyperfocus on low quality thoughts, bringing our mood even lower.

The only thing that keeps us from a high mood with high quality thoughts is our own low quality thinking. Unfortunately, when we’re in a low mood, we tend to believe our thinking and feed its unhealthy fire.

If you notice you’re in a low mood, let your thoughts pass through your mind and dissolve. Analyzing them will only bring more low quality thoughts and perpetuate the mood.

You know not to pick your scabs – doing so would just make the injury worse. In the same way, picking at your thoughts will just make your mood worse.

If you wait for your low quality thoughts to clear, your mood will lift, you’ll feel open, and you’ll be much better equipped to experience life with ease.