
We have even a stranger idea: that we will finally fall in love with ourselves only when we have become the totally efficient organized organism we have always wanted to be and left all of our bumbling ineptness behind.

– from Crossing an Unknown Sea by David Whyte

We’ll love ourselves only when.

What we’ve forgotten is that we’re already and will always be a totally efficient organized organism. We are already and always creative, resourceful, and whole.

A tree doesn’t spend hours and years and lifetimes examining and analyzing its leaves, picking at the ones that have strange shapes or browned before fall.

We don’t look at a tree and decide it’s unlovable because some of its leaves are strangely shaped. A tree isn’t any less tree if its bark isn’t perfectly bark or its shape isn’t some specific shape. A tree is a tree, a totally efficient organized organism, precisely because of its infinite potential variations.

You’re already the totally efficient organized organism you have always wanted to be.

You’re already creative, resourceful, and whole.

You’re already in love with yourself, you just forgot for a moment. You can fall into that feeling again.