Your Mind is Like a Snow Globe

All wisdom comes from the silence, when the mind clears.

– Jack Pransky

Many of us tend to believe that we have to think a lot, really really hard, in order to be smart and effective and successful.

In reality a mind that is loud, busy, nonstop, intensely and incessantly active makes it much more difficult to access intelligence and wisdom. Thinking really really really hard, and then doing it some more without relief, also brings anxiety, exhaustion, and drains our life of joy.

When you need to remember something, make a decision, or figure something out, especially if it’s important – instead try letting your thoughts settle and drift away. Feel the silence in between the thoughts, the silence beneath and surrounding them.

It can be almost a compulsion to go back to thinking some more and harder about whatever it is that’s on your mind. Try the opposite. Let it go, even just for half an hour or an hour.

Imagine your mind is like a snow globe that you’ve been shaking and shaking, and there’s so much snow everywhere that it’s a whiteout and you can’t see anything clearly. Let the snow fall and settle. It’s in that silence that you will find yourself surrounded by clarity, and you’ll know what to do.

♥ Anna