From Hate to Love in a Single Moment

My perspective on writing has been very specific for a long time. I’m a decent writer, sometimes even a good one, but I hate writing. Hate it.

Writing has always been an excruciatingly exacting process for me – defining the problem, determining the approach, mounds and mounds of research, writing some stuff, doing more research, writing some more, editing, rewriting, taking a break and then doing the whole thing over again. I’ve always loved the end result – a simple, concise bit of writing that powerfully and effectively communicates a complex problem or difficult concept. But I’ve always hated the process.

When I started this blog after giving myself the challenge to write every day for thirty days, I knew I would either hate the next thirty days or have to find an entirely different approach to writing. I didn’t want to hate the next thirty days, or even thirty minutes of one day, so I did something very simple.

Instead of thinking I hate writing, I decided to think that I love it.

“I love writing.”

It was just a thought. Turns out a single thought is enough to create a completely new reality.

Every day for the past thirty days, as thoughts float through my mind, I’ve held onto to the positive thoughts about writing. I love writing. Writing is easy. I’ll think of something to write about when it’s time to write. I’ll know what to write as I’m writing. Whatever I write will be enough.

Are those things true? Well, truth isn’t really a thing when it comes to thoughts. Thoughts are just thoughts. But thoughts determine experience. When I chose to hang onto those particular thoughts, my experience transformed.

I used to hate writing. That changed in an instant.

Turns out I didn’t actually hate writing, I just thought I did.

You Are Already the Best Version of Yourself

We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff.

– Carl Sagan

It’s so easy to get caught up in thoughts of things that are not actually real – who I wish I was, who I want to be, all the work it’s going to take to get there.

We forget something vital when we are lost in all the thought-work of wanting to be the best version of ourselves, tangled up in all the analyzing and planning we do in hopes of getting there.

We are made of stars.

We’re not just part of the cosmos, we are the cosmos.

We are the cosmos. This is real. This is who we really are, who we already and always are. There’s no better version of that.

The Good News about Fear

Most of us share the experience of some common fears: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of loss of control.

We spend a lot of time and energy developing coping strategies, arranging circumstances, and influencing others so that we can deal with and avoid the things we fear.

Ironically, the things we fear don’t actually exist.

It’s not actually possible to lose control. Control isn’t something you or anyone else can actually have – it’s a thought, plus some meaning that goes along with the thought, and then a feeling. You have a feeling of losing control.

Losing control is a feeling that comes from a story that lives inside your head. Control lives in your thoughts, not out there in the world. You can’t actually lose control, but you can definitely feel like it.

This is really good news – especially for someone like me who does not like to feel out of control. Like, ever.

If control isn’t actually real, if it’s just a feeling that comes from a thought, then a new thought could bring a new feeling. A new thought could bring a feeling of greater control or it could bring a new experience of control altogether.

The good news about fear is that it’s not actually related to anything real. It’s like being scared of a shadow – once your eyes adjust to the dark, or someone turns the light on, you see there’s nothing there and the fear is gone. The good news about fear is that it’s not any more real than just a thought in your head, and where there’s one thought there are millions more. One fresh new thought could change everything.

Feeling Trains of Thought

Imagine a really busy train terminal, with hundreds of trains leaving every minute on hundreds of tracks. You want to go somewhere but none of the trains turn out to have clear destinations. You hop on one, hoping it will take you where you want to go. You transfer to another train, and another, and another.

Our thoughts work like trains. We follow one train of thought, then another, and another, maybe staying with one for while, then hopping to another and another one again.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to distinguish where the train of thought is headed.

If we’re feeling a low mood, the train of thought is not optimal. If we’re feeling a high mood, the train of thought is healthy and headed directly to connection with our inner wisdom.

Our feelings are a perfect barometer for the quality of our thinking, so they’re all beneficial. There are no bad feelings. And they pass as quickly as the thoughts that created them.

The human brain is an infinitely busy thought train terminal, so there will always be a new train to ride, a new thought to feel, and a new experience we can create.

Don’t Pick at Your Thoughts

The quality of our thoughts creates the quality of our mood, and the quality of our mood amplifies the quality of our thoughts.

In a high mood, we see the infinite possibility and beautify in life. We are open, inspired, magnanimous, joyful, optimistic, flexible, resilient, effective, creative problem solvers. In a high mood, we focus on high quality thoughts, which engender a high mood, which brings even more high quality thoughts.

A low mood brings a sense of impossibility and helplessness. We are closed, stuck, fearful, irritable, accusatory, offended, angry, insecure, anxious, fragile, struggling. In a low mood, we hyperfocus on low quality thoughts, bringing our mood even lower.

The only thing that keeps us from a high mood with high quality thoughts is our own low quality thinking. Unfortunately, when we’re in a low mood, we tend to believe our thinking and feed its unhealthy fire.

If you notice you’re in a low mood, let your thoughts pass through your mind and dissolve. Analyzing them will only bring more low quality thoughts and perpetuate the mood.

You know not to pick your scabs – doing so would just make the injury worse. In the same way, picking at your thoughts will just make your mood worse.

If you wait for your low quality thoughts to clear, your mood will lift, you’ll feel open, and you’ll be much better equipped to experience life with ease.