Creating or Consuming

How much time do you spend each day creating? How much time do you spend consuming?

It’s an either-or situation: you’re either creating something new or consuming something already created.

Consuming can be obvious things like eating, shopping, buying services. It’s also Facebook, Twitter, Googling, watching video, listening to podcasts, research, reading.

It has become almost impossible for me to create without consuming. Consumption has become an unconscious compulsion. Inherently, consumption is neutral. But when it comes paired with compulsion, an imbalance arises and something important is obscured.

Which one brings more value?
Which one feels better?
Which one do you avoid?
Do you realize how inherently creative you already are, or has your infinite creative potential been obscured by consumption, too?
What would be revealed if consumption stopped for a while, after the discomfort eased?

Inspired by Mary Schiller.