
There is a profound difference between being in a crisis situation and being in a crisis state of mind.

A crisis state of mind is very disruptive to the human experience. We lose problem solving skills, our thoughts and feelings seem to be held hostage, we can even exhibit physical symptoms that resemble a heart attack or dying.

Fortunately, we humans have the incredible ability, without exception, to be in a crisis and be in a healthy state of mind.

We can be in crisis but not feel in crisis.

We can also be in a crisis state of mind while not in a crisis situation.

If you’re experiencing a crisis, see if you can become aware of your state of mind. There are the facts of the situation, and then there are your thoughts and feelings about those facts. Is your situation truly a crisis? Are you in a crisis state of mind? It’s completely natural to feel in crisis sometimes, and it’s also completely natural for that state of mind to dissolve.

We can be in crisis but still feel open, resourceful, healthy, calm.

You can be in crisis but not feel in crisis.