
In my daughter’s book about moods, there is a bad mood cloud that follows people around. It’s like a lighting storm of thoughts, and when it’s above you, all you can see and think and feel is bad.

The bad mood cloud has been hovering over me all day, with constant thunder and lighting of negative thinking bringing negative feeling.

When I picture a cloud above my head I can feel separate from it for a moment. It’s still hanging about, but I know it will pass eventually and I’ll feel the calm of the clear sky again.

I wish it would move on a little more quickly, but while it’s here I’m appreciating the awesome power of my thoughts, which are just electrical impulses, and which can suck me completely out of the moment and into an intensely negative made up experience. It’s not exactly fun, but it is awesome.


There is a profound difference between being in a crisis situation and being in a crisis state of mind.

A crisis state of mind is very disruptive to the human experience. We lose problem solving skills, our thoughts and feelings seem to be held hostage, we can even exhibit physical symptoms that resemble a heart attack or dying.

Fortunately, we humans have the incredible ability, without exception, to be in a crisis and be in a healthy state of mind.

We can be in crisis but not feel in crisis.

We can also be in a crisis state of mind while not in a crisis situation.

If you’re experiencing a crisis, see if you can become aware of your state of mind. There are the facts of the situation, and then there are your thoughts and feelings about those facts. Is your situation truly a crisis? Are you in a crisis state of mind? It’s completely natural to feel in crisis sometimes, and it’s also completely natural for that state of mind to dissolve.

We can be in crisis but still feel open, resourceful, healthy, calm.

You can be in crisis but not feel in crisis.

Salad and Cigarettes

Would you rather experience life with an overall feeling of ease and well-being? Or would you prefer a lifelong experience of toil and gritted teeth?

Imagine someone who is really great at maintaining his health. He goes to the gym six days per week, eats clean, listens to his doctor, gets stuff done at work. He hates the gym, he hates salads, he hates how much time and energy it all takes every single day, but he wants to live a long life. He barely sees his family between work and the gym, but he’s glad to be setting a good example for his kids.

Imagine another guy who doesn’t go to the gym, only eats food he likes, and smokes a few cigarettes a day. He loves his life, loves his wife, and loves the way his mind seems to clear when he’s on a smoke break.

Statistically, salad guy will likely outlive the smoker. Salad guy goes through life with his teeth clenched, doing everything a person should do to prolong his life. The smoker is happy, takes it easy, enjoys the people in his life and his experience of life in general.

Would you rather live a long life that you don’t enjoy? Or live a life you love?

What can you love about your life right now, whether you’re eating a salad or smoking cigarettes?


Last night, minutes after I fell asleep, the security alarm blared me awake. I shot out of bed, intensely alert and quickly running through the next best course of action. Normally, my husband would be the one to go downstairs and do recon. He’s a 6’4 blackbelt Army veteran, matching me in fearlessness but better equipped physically to confront predators. Right now, though, he’s a 6’4 blackbelt with a broken leg and still recovering from the surgeries that added a lot of metal to his frame. So I went down first and was hit with freezing air at the bottom of the stairs.

The front door was open. I know I checked the locks before going up to bed, I check the locks every night at least two or ten times, both doors, and maybe a few more times after that. Mama bear has two precious babies to protect. Did someone pick the locks? Did someone have a key? Oh my god, we never changed the locks after buying the house. How could I have let that slip?

We checked the house to ensure it was predator-free. My husband tried to reassure me that we were safe, the kids are safe, the house is safe. With each word, my anger combusted. Now, I was not only running through every possible horrible scenario I could think of, I started to go down the list of everything my husband had ever done wrong and all the ways he continued to trespass against the sanctity of our secular marriage.

I said some horrible things, and in response to his silence, I said much more. I was in an intensely closed mood.

Moods are usually evaluated somewhere on the spectrum between positive and negative. You can be in bad mood, a good mood, a meh mood. This judgement or valuation can cause all sorts of problems – panic, discomfort, anxiety, fear – especially since we can’t ultimately control our mood states.

If we let go of the judgment, we might instead begin to experience our moods like an aperture. In some mood states, we feel open and expansive. In others, we feel closed.

Last night, after the alarm screeched me from sleep, I was in a very closed mood. This afternoon, during lunch with my husband, my mood was open and I didn’t blame him for anything. Just the awareness of feeling closed can be enough to open the aperture and experience a different mood state. Always, the aperture opens and closes and always opens again.


How do you know that you know? Not just know in your head, cognitively or intellectually, but really know something deep in your gut or your bones or wherever you might feel it?

Think of something you really love. Maybe it’s an activity, a food, an art form, a person. Close your eyes and imagine you’re engaged with whatever it is. Really be in the moment of doing or watching or eating or being with, imagine all the little details. Feel what it’s like to really love that thing.

How do you know that you love it? What does if feel like? Where do you feel it? What kinds of thoughts do you have, if any at all?

Now, think of a decision that you’ve had a hard time making. Going back and forth, pros and cons, researching and analyzing and discussing and analyzing some more. Maybe you’re completely stumped on the course of action, maybe you’re leaning towards one thing or the other but still aren’t quite sure.

You can know something, or you can have lots of thoughts about the thing.

What if you lived each day more from your own innate sense of knowing? Even just one day? Or just the next moment?